Text by Candido Tomás
Nova Vita and Ovumia personnel had a great road trip to Sweden in September, 2016. We met several clinics and exchanged our experiences about the modern infertility treatments.
IVF-kliniken CuraÖresund, Malmo
Some of the doctors and midwives from the clinic remember following several patients that have received egg donation. They assure that those pregnancies are very healthy and that healthy babies have been born. They are happy to continue the collaboration with Ovumia and with Nova Vita by recommending their patients to contact us. The delegation from Ovumia and Nova Vita presented the excellent results from the Finnish Egg Bank, successfully operating in Tampere for the last two years.
Päivi Virta, the international coordinator of the egg donation program of Ovumia and Nova Vita and Candido Tomás, fertility doctor visited the clinic and presented the results of over 1900 egg donations performed in our clinic for over 20 years and more specifically from the last two years with the Finns Egg Bank program, that has brought many foreign patients, especially from Scandinavia, to our clinics
Nordic IVF Center, Göteborg
Doctors, Midwives and Embryologists from the private center in Göteborg took the time from their normal activities to show us the clinic and to listen to the results of the egg bank of Ovumia. We have presente both clinics from Ovumia in Tampere and Nova Vita from Estonia. The good clinical results and the simple, straightforward procedures from our clinics are the appealing motives to send their patients to receive egg donation. In Ovumia patients can have registered egg donors and in Nova Vita they can have anonymous donors.
Our staff also visited the IVF laboratory which also includes the embryoscopes, also in use in Ovumia. The embryologists are sure that the results are better due to the embryoscope and they can have all the embryos to transfer followed in the embryoscope. The good results are also confirmed by our own data. Ovumia is the only clinic in Finland that has the time lapse incubator Embryoscope.
The Clinic was a very positive, full of light installations which together with the friendliness of the staff made a very aggregable and useful visit from our staff.
Merike Seer presented the Nova Vita Clinic in Tallinn and welcomed the staff to visit the clinic and town. She offered the services of Nova Vita clinic to the Swedish patients that might need egg donation or full donation, which are not performed in Sweden.
Päivi Virta is the person to contact when international patients have questions concerning egg donation or other issues related with clinics of Ovumia and Nova Vita.
Candido Tomás presented the results from Ovumia , namely the egg donation program with The Finnish egg Bank, resulting in excellent clinical results and giving the possibility for couples to have egg donation treatment without queuing. Some of the staff in Ovumia speaks Swedish which also helps in the personalized contacts.
Here are some pictures from our road trip: