Fast and cost effective access to fertility treatments with donated sperm
Why choose us?
- Over 25 years of experience in donor treatments.
- No queuing! Smooth and fast process.
- High success rates!
- Anonymous donors.
- Own sperm bank and the possibility to order sperm from Cryos or European sperm bank.
- We are treating women under 51 years (single women, female couples, couples).
Competitive prices. (Pricelist)
Book an appointment or ask for more information on treatments with donated sperm:
Greete Käsi

Hundreds of infertility treatments are carried out in Estonia each year with donated gametes, especially donor sperm. At Ovumia Tallinn clinic we’ve been helping people to conceive a child with donor sperm for over 25 years, so we know what we’re talking about. Our goal is to have a warm, confidence-enhancing treatment experience. Our team of experts includes doctors, laboratory personnel and fertility nurses. The care chain is easy, simple and safe for the patient.
Who donates sperm in Estonia?
Ovumia Tallinn’s sperm donors are healthy young men
- age between 18 to 40 (usually 18 to 35 years)
- tested (for example HIV, Hepatitis B and C, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and others)
- genetic tests (Karyotype, Cystic Fibrosis)
- donor sperm has been in quarantine for 6 month before usage
- donation in Estonia is anonymous
In Estonia donating sperm is anonymous. The following information will be disclosed about the donor: nationality, skin colour, education, marital status, the existence of children, height, body build, hair colour and eye colour. All donor candidates are subjected to sperm analysis and sperm freezing. Only men whose sperm is of good quality and can withstand freezing are accepted as donors.
Cooperation with other sperm banks
Ovumia Tallinn cooperates with European Sperm Bank (ESB) and Cryos International sperm bank where anonymous and non-anonymous (open) donor sperm can be ordered. If you would like to order donor sperm from ESB or Cryos please let us know about the selected donor profile and we will help organize the order and transport.
Our subject matter experts
Dr. Liisa Viirmaa

Dr. Liis Lill

Dr. Peeter Karits
Dr. Elle Talving

Book an appointment or ask for more information on treatments with donated sperm:
Greete Käsi

Artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization (IVF)?
Artificial insemination is often introduced as the first treatment for infertility in male-induced or unexplained infertility. The outcome of treatment depends in particular on the age of the woman, the quality of the semen and the success of the timing of insemination. The probability of starting a pregnancy is approximately 10-15 % per attempt in insemination treatments, and most pregnancies begin within the first 3-4 sessions. You can read more about artificial insemination here.
In IVF treatments, results are significantly better than in insemination treatments (approximately 30-40 % per attempt). In vitro fertilization is an effective aid for infertility due to a variety of causes. As a result, IVF treatment is often recommended relatively quickly after a few unsuccesfull insemination attempts. The decision is always made in consultation with the physician and with the patient’s wishes in mind. You can read more about IVF treatments here.