Children are the happiness and meaning of life for most families. Through no fault of their own, some people are not able to conceive the child they wish for without outside assistance. Donor egg treatment is in vitro fertilization cycle in which a woman uses donor eggs.
There are numerous reasons why patients need IVF with donor eggs:
Impaired ovarian function or reserve has declined
Continuous unsuccessful IVF processes due to low quality mature egg cells
Risk for a child to inherit a genetic disease
We are here to help you!
→ Step 1 towards IVF with donor egg process: consultation
Our professional and dedicated donor coordinator will help you to get started. She will support you and provide all the information and guidance. Do not hesitate to contact
IVF with donor egg process is not easy choice for everyone, it can be very emotional task, but we will do our very best to help you and your loved ones to figure it out and to decide during every step of the way. Our main goal is to make the IVF donor egg process as easy as possible.
→ Step 2: your IVF egg donor
If you need IVF donor eggs process to start your family, we have a wide broad of donor eggs available. Ovumia Tallinn Clinic IVF with donor egg program offers donors who are individually chosen specially for you.
All our highly selected IVF egg donors originate from Estonia. at Ovumia Tallinn Clinic’s IVF with donor eggs program follows the international standards of quality. Our IVF egg donors have passed psychological screening and counseling session.
Ovumia Tallinn Clinic’s IVF egg donors usually are healthy young women who often have their own children. In addition, the women who are:
Age between 20-33
Healthy and tested
Non smoking
Screened for infectious diseases and genetically tested (Karyotype, Fragil X, Cystic Fibrosis)
Estonian residents with Nordic-Scandinavian appearance (caucasian)
Anonymous egg donors
Well cared for
In Estonia IVF egg donation is anonymous.
The following information will be disclosed about donor: nationality, colour of the skin, education, marital status, the existence of children, height, constitution, colour of the hair and colour of the eyes.
We believe that IVF egg donors provide a precious gift – giving hope to individuals or couples who dream of having a family. We understand you will have many questions about IVF with donor egg process and we strive to answer all your queries.
→ Step 3: IVF egg donor matching
We understand that usually the woman seeking for IVF egg donation would prefer that the donor would look like her. Our donor coordinator will help you find the best match.
→ Step 4: testing and medications
The intended mother will undergo testing, screening and begin taking hormones to prepare herself for embryo transfer. Though the patient will not be using her own eggs, she still be carrying the child, so she and her partner must have all the same screening done as other infertility patients.
→ Step 5: IVF donor egg retrieval and fertilization
The donors undergo a normal ovarian stimulation (as in IVF treatment) to produce a good number of eggs for the treatment. The aim is to provide enough eggs for a successful treatment but not to compromise the wellbeing of the donor (with for example ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome).
IVF with donor egg process at Ovumia Tallinn Clinic can be arranged with fresh or frozen donor eggs. Ovumia Tallinn Clinic has its own Donor Egg Bank which makes the planning and timing of the IVF with donor egg procedure very fast and convenient. The frozen donor egg IVF process is easier to plan because the cycle does not need to be synchronized with donor as done in a fresh cycle. Besides there is usually no waiting list. The procedure can be arranged at the most suitable time for the woman to whom the embryo(s) would be transferred.
→ Step 6: embryo transfer
The fertilized embryo(s) is transferred to the recipient on day 5 or 6 of embryo development.
→ Final step: pregnancy and delivery
IVF with donor egg process journey will continue until the happy moment when the test shows two lines.
We understand the IVF egg donor process can be emotionally challenging for everyone involved. We are here for you each step of the way.