Anonymous egg donation treatment without a queue
Why choose Ovumia Tallinn?
- Over 25 years of experience in donor egg treatments.
- No queuing! Smooth and fast process. (Read more)
- Both fresh and frozen donor eggs available.
- Anonymous donors. (Read more)
- Also non-anonymous donors available in Finland. (
- Treatments up to 50 (up to 46 in Finland).
- High donor egg ivf success rates: over 60 % get pregnant with a single try.
- Personal service: your own patient coordinator guiding you through the whole process.
- PGT analysis possible also with donated eggs.
- Affordable egg donor IVF (Pricelist)
Book an appointment or ask for more information on egg donation fertility treatments and full donation:
Greete Käsi

Fresh or frozen donor eggs?
Assisted reproduction with donor eggs is needed for example when a woman’s own ovarian reserve has declined or the quality of the eggs has reduced. Usually the chance to have a healthy child for a woman over 43 years is very small and using donor eggs is recommended. Donor eggs can also be used if there is a risk for a child to inherit a genetic disease. Ovumia Tallinn Clinic has its own Egg bank which makes the planning and timing of the procedure very fast and convenient.
Egg donation can be arranged with fresh or frozen donor eggs. The frozen donor egg ivf process is easier to plan and there is usually no waiting list. The procedure can be arranged at the most suitable time for the woman to whom the embryo(s) would be transferred. The planning of egg donation procedure with fresh donor eggs can take a couple of months because menstrual cycles of two women (donor and recipient) need to be synchronized.
Our subject matter experts
Dr. Liisa Viirmaa

Dr. Liis Lill

Dr. Peeter Karits
Dr. Elle Talving

How does the egg donor process work?
IVF with donor eggs process step by step
- Contact our patient coordinator Greete Käsi. Greete will help you book a Teams meeting or a first time visit with one of our doctors.
- Meet the doctor with Teams or face to face.
- Your personal patient coordinator will provide you with further instructions and guide you through the whole egg donation process.
- Our donor coordinator matches you with the best possible donor. You can wish for certain characteristics (height, eye, hair and skin colour).
- In the treatment with frozen eggs your endometrium is medically prepared for the embryo transfer (with fresh eggs your cycle is also synchronized with the donor). You can do this and the follow-up ultrasounds in your own country. We thaw the eggs and fertilize them with your husband’s fresh or frozen sperm or use donor sperm (in egg donor treatment with fresh eggs this needs to be done on donor’s egg retrieval day). After a few days we will do the embryo transfer (and freeze all other good embryos) or freeze all the embryos to be used later in the frozen embryo transfer.
- You can take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after the embryo transfer. You have over 60 % chance to get pregnant with the first attempt!
Start the egg donation process today! Contact our international patient coordinator to make an appointment:
Greete Käsi

Who donates eggs in Estonia?
Our egg donors are:
- Carefully chosen according to the legislation in Estonia and the international standards of quality.
- Healthy, non smoking young women (aged 20 to 33).
- Screened for infectious diseases and genetically tested (Karyotype, Fragil X, Cystic Fibrosis)
- Estonian residents with Nordic-Scandinavian appearance (caucasian)
- Altruistic anonymous egg donors.
- Well cared for.
We understand that usually the woman seeking for egg donation would prefer that the donor would look similar to her. Our donor coordinator will help you find the best match. In Estonia egg donation is anonymous. The following information will be disclosed about the donor: nationality, skin colour, education, marital status, the existence of children, height, body build, hair colour and eye colour. Woman’s close relative (for example a sister) can also be a non-anonymous donor.
Egg donation process for the egg donor
All candidates undergo donor screening and blood tests are taken for infectious diseases (HIV, HBV, HCV, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea). In a health check-up the candidates with low ovarian capacity or any known inheritable diseases in the family are ruled out. Donor candidates also have a discussion with a qualified midwife. It is very important for us that the donor really understands all the aspects of the donation before making the decision to donate. We don’t want anyone to regret their donation afterwards.
We take really good care of our donors and this is why most of our donors do a second or even a third donation cycle.
The donors undergo a normal ovarian stimulation (as in IVF treatment) to produce a good number of eggs for the treatment. The aim is to provide enough eggs for a successful treatment but not to compromise the wellbeing of the donor (with for example ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome).
Can we talk now?
You are only a few steps away from your dream to be a parent. If you still have some questions, doubts or concerns, please ask for a telephone consultation with our patient coordinator and discuss your possibilities with her.
Q: Should I use donor eggs?
A: This is something you need to discuss with your doctor. You might benefit from egg donation treatment if you have a poor ovarian capacity (low AMH- or/and AFC-value) or if you are over 43 years old.
Q: What is egg donor ivf?
A: Egg donor ivf is a normal in vitro fertilization with using donor eggs. Donated eggs are fertilized with recipient’s partner’s sperm (or donor sperm) and the embryos are cultured untill 3-6 days before 1 embryo is transferred to recipient’s womb.
Q: Who is an egg donor?
A: An egg donor is a young woman between 20-35 years, who wants to help people to conceive a child and is willing to donate her own eggs to be given to unknown recipients. Estonian egg donors are altruistic, and anonymous. Read more about our donors here.
Q: How do you get donor eggs for ivf? How to get egg donor?
A: Contact our international patient coordinator Greete Käsi She will provide you with all the information you need to proceed.
Q: How to choose an egg donor?
A: Our donor coordinator will look for a donor that matches your criteria (nationality, skin colour, education, marital status, the existence of children, height, body build, hair colour and eye colour). She will match you with the best possible donor according to your wishes. You can then choose to accept the donor or wait untill more suitable donor has been found.
Q: Does your donor egg baby look like you? Does a baby conceived via donor eggs resemble birth mom?
A: We understand that you as a future mom of the baby, wish the donor to have same kind of characteristics than you so that your future baby would resemble you as much as possible. Our donor coordinator will match you with the best possible donor match according to your external features (skin colour, height, body build, hair colour, eye colour). However, biology is erratic and at the end of the day, mother nature decides how your baby will look like. It may well be, that your baby looks just like his father…
Q: Do donor eggs have mothers dna? Will a donor egg have my dna?
A: No. The baby conceived by donor eggs will inherit half of his/hers dna from her father and half from the egg donor.
Q: How does the egg donor process work? What is the process of ivf with egg donor?
A: Please, read more from IVF with donor eggs process step by step here.
Q: What is egg donor process?
A: We choose our egg donors carefully and all the candidates go trough a strict selection process before we accept them as egg donors. The donors undergo an ovarian stimulation to produce a good number of eggs for the treatment. The aim is to provide enough eggs for a successful treatment but not to compromise the wellbeing of the donor. You can read more about our donors here.
Q: How many donor egg cycles before success?
A: Each treatment is unique, of course, but we do have excellent results in donor egg treatments. You have about 60 % chance to get pregnant already with the first attempt.
Q: How much do donor eggs cost? How much are donor eggs? How much does it cost to get an egg donor?
A: The price for IVF with donor eggs is 5875 €. This includes donor selection, donor compensation, donor medications, donor eggs, sperm preparation, fertilization (IVF), embryo culture up to 6 days and embryo transfer. *The coordination fee (545 €) with patient coordinator during the treatment will be added. Also fertilization with ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) (530 €) will be added if needed. If there is 3 or more blastocyst with the good quality, extra cultivation fee (160 €) will be added. See the price list here.