There is an ongoing need for donated sperm. Many people are in need for donated sperm in their fertility treatments to get pregnant and start parenthood. We at Ovumia Tallinn Clinic are recruiting new sperm donors to our Sperm Bank all the time and encourage everyone who is thinking about donating, to really consider it as a possible option to provide a precious gift.
Ovumia Tallinn ’s sperm donors are healthy young men:
- Age between 18 to 35
- Tested (for example HIV, Hepatitis B and C, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and others)
- Genetic tests (Karyotype, Cystic Fibrosis)
- Donation in Estonia is anonymous
- Overall healthy and warmhearted
- Donor sperm has been in quarantine for 6 months before usage
- Donor sperm is suitable for IUI, IVF and ICSI
A sperm donor must meet specific requirements regarding age and medical conditions. Potential donors are screened for a range of diseases and disorders. According to the European Tissue and Cells Directive all sperm donors need to be tested against certain virus markers and most common sexually transmitted diseases. Ovumia Tallinn Sperm Bank takes several steps to ensure that the health and quality of the donor sperm meets the highest possible conditions. In Estonia sperm donor must be between 18-35 years and tested against: HIV1/2, Hepatitis B and C, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas. In addition, all sperm donors should have normal karyotype (46, XY) and without mutation in CFTR (cystic fibrosis) gene.
In Estonia donating sperm is anonymoys
The following information will be disclosed about the donor:
- Nationality
- The existence of children
- Skin color
- Height, body build
- Education
- Hair color
- Marital status
- Eye color
All donor candidates are subjected to sperm analysis and sperm freezing. Only men whose sperm is of good quality and can withstand freezing are accepted as donors.
Ovumia Tallinn cooperates with European Sperm Bank (ESB) and Cryos International sperm bank where anonymous and non-anonymous (open) donor sperm can be ordered. If you would like to order donor sperm from ESB or Cryos please let us know about the selected donor profile and we will help organize the order and transport.
Book an appointment or ask for more information on treatments with donated sperm:
Alisa Stepanova