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Sperm donor process step by step at Ovumia Tallinn Clinic

Step 1: Mindfulness of the long-term impact of your sperm donor process decision

If you are considering sperm donor process, take your time, think twice and do not hesitate to ask further information and support from us. We do not want anyone to regret their decision to donate later.

Step 2: Fill out the questionnaire

You can fill our application by contacting us.

The questionnaire includes questions about your family, medical and sexual history. You will be asked questions about the medical history of your family at least two previous generations. This helps determine whether you have hereditary diseases running your family.

Applicants with a history of sickle cell anemia or cystic fibrosis or other serious diseases are automatically disqualified. Other questions cover personal habits, education, appearance characteristics, if you have tattoos, and whether you’ve been exposed to radiation, among many others.

We will determine if you are qualified to continue with the sperm donor process. If we believe so, then you will be contacted via email or phone within 2-3 business days from submitting your questionnaire. This gives also you a possibility to ask questions concerning the sperm donation process from the coordinator. We are here for you throughout the entire process and journey.

Step 3: Medical screening

Once you have sent us your wish and questionnaire to become a sperm donor and we have accepted, the next step is to go through become a sperm donor health examination, including sperm sample analysis. We are looking men with higher than average sperm counts and quality!

  • A full physical exam –This includes blood and urine samples to screen for HIV, Hepatitis B and C and other infectious diseases and genetic testing for Karyotype, Cystic Fibrosis etc.
  • Semen sample – Once you pass the online questionnaire and physical exam, you will then give your first semen sample to be analyzed. This test determines sperm volume, count, movement and morphology. This test sample will be destroyed following analysis and after you are notified of the results. To ensure superfine sperm quality, please avoid ejaculation at least 48 hours prior to exam.

Step 4: Sperm Donor Agreement

Sperm sample quality must be upon standards in native form and likewise after freezing and thawing process. Recipients will receive previously freezed and quarantined donor sperm.

If you are approved and invited to become part of our team to help other to conceive and fulfill their dream – become parents – you will be asked to sign a sperm donor agreement in which you state your anonymous profile.

Step 5: Approval and becoming the sperm donor process

When the results of the blood, urine and semen samples are obtained and upon criteria, you will be finally approved. Your help, related expenses, time and cooperation will be compensated.

Final Step 6: Active sperm donating process

The sperm donors are kindly asked to donate at least once a week, or superbly between 6 and 10 samples per month. All sperm donors’ donations are required to be quarantined for six months. At the end of six months, we perform a blood test and release that batch for recipients. Therefore, you will be required to finish the program and return to our Ovumia Tallinn Clinic for final blood test after last collection appointment.

Do you have any questions of becoming a sperm donor or do you want to learn more about sperm donation?

We’re here for you – don’t hesitate to contact our donor coordinator!

Alisa Stepanova

International patient coordinator (maternity leave)
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