Fertility examination
The first visit and meeting with the doctor is very important. This gives the doctor a possibility to notice any details which may have an impact on the results and build the right infertility treatment plan specifically for you. During the first visit the doctor interviews the couple and discusses any factors in the health and life style of the couple which may affect their fertility.
A gynaecological examination and an ultrasound examination are usually carried out for the woman. If you have the results of previous investigations done, please take them with you. The analyses of infectious diseases have to be carried out before each IVF treatment. The analyses are valid for 6 months.
Examinations to be carried out for the man are planned in more detail following the results of the sperm analysis. Usually a basic sperm test is done as the first step. The doctor will advise if deeper evaluation is needed. A blood test of infectious diseases is compulsory before the treatment. The results of the blood tests are valid for 6 months.
An individual plan of other necessary examinations is prepared for the couple. Preliminary information concerning the various types of infertility treatment is given. If infertility has been investigated or treated elsewhere, you should bring all the documentation related to that care with you.
To start with, the following matters are examined by means of infertility examinations:
– Does the oocyte mature and ovulate during the menstrual cycle?
– Does the semen contain enough mobile sperm cells?
– Can the oocyte and sperm meet, i.e. are the woman’s Fallopian tubes open?
Evaluation of the menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle is examined by means of hormonal tests from blood and ultrasound examinations. The examinations are carried out at specific phases of the cycle to evaluate the maturation of the oocyte and it´s ovulation. At the same time, the development of the lining of the uterus eg endometrium is evaluated.
Sperm analysis
The sperm analysis is the most basic fertility examination for men before in vitro fertilisation, (IVF) or other infertility treatments (ICSI, IUI and treatments with donated eggs). For the examination, the man gives a sperm sample in a private sampling room. The time for the procedure has to be booked beforehand by calling to Ovumia Tallinn, phone +372 605 9609. NB! Man should avoid sexual intercourse or ejaculation 2 days before giving sperm analysis.
Assessment of tubal patency
This examination is carried out at the beginning of the menstrual cycle before ovulation, usually on days 8–12 of the cycle. Menstrual bleeding must have ended by the day of the examination. Saline solution and air are sprayed into the uterine cavity through a thin catheter. At the same time, the travel of air bubbles through the Fallopian tubes to the ovaries is followed under ultrasound. The structure of the uterine cavity is also checked in this examination. The assessment of tubal patency and uterine cavity is not done routinely, but on need.