Treatments with both donor eggs and donor sperm
Why choose Ovumia Tallinn?
- Over 25 years of experience in donor treatments.
- No queuing! Smooth and fast process.
- High success rates!
- Anonymous donors.
- Both fresh and frozen donor eggs available.
- Own Sperm and Egg bank, possibility to order sperm from Cryos or European sperm bank.
- We are treating women under 51 years (single women, female couples, couples).
Competitive prices. (Pricelist)
Book an appointment or ask more about our full donation treatments:
Greete Käsi
Full donation
Sometimes there is a long journey to become a parent. Option for full donation is considered when both donor eggs and donor sperm are needed. Usually the full donation is chosen when numerous IVF treatments with own cells have previously failed and full donation is the only option to become parent.
Ovumia Tallinn Clinic has an active donor program. A suitable egg donor can be found quickly and donor sperm can be selected from our sperm bank or ordered from other banks. Our donor coordinators help you choose the best match of donor eggs and donor sperm from Ovumia Tallinn Egg bank and Sperm Bank.
Our experts
Dr. Liisa Viirmaa
Dr. Liis Lill
Dr. Peeter Karits
Dr. Elle Talving
Options for Full Donation
Full donation can be arranged with fresh or frozen donor eggs.
- The procedure with frozen donor eggs is easier to plan and there is usually no waiting list. The procedure can be arranged at the most suitable time for the woman to whom the embryo(s) would be transferred. Embryos will be created from frozen vitrified donor oocytes and frozen donor sperm chosen from Nova Vita’s egg and sperm bank. Our patient coordinators will help you find the best match of donors suitable for you.
- The planning of a full donation procedure with fresh donor eggs can take a couple of months because menstrual cycles of two women (donor and recipient) need to be synchronized. Fertilization of donor eggs have to take place on the day of the donor’s egg collection and donor embryo(s) will be transferred for the recipient on day 3 or day 5.
The price of full donation procedure starts from 5580 euros and includes: donor compensation, donor medications, at least 7 vitrified donor eggs and donor sperm from Ovumia Tallinn spermbank, fertilization with ICSI, embryo culture up to 6 days, embryo transfer.
Usually there will be 1-2 top quality donor embryos to be transferred and one portion of donor embryos frozen for future FET procedure.
In Estonia egg and sperm donation is anonymous. The following information will be disclosed about the donor: nationality, skin colour, education, marital status, the existence of children, height, body build, hair colour and eye colour.