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Infertility is described as a failure to become pregnant after a year of unprotected and regular sex. It’s untrue that simply waiting will not stop infertility, then there is a need for seeking fertility care. There are wide range of fertility treatments available for those experiencing infertility.

People often wonder how does assisted reproductive technology work. We have great news: it works well. More than 80% of patients are assisted to accomplish the dream of having a baby with our fertility treatment options.

What does fertility treatment involve at Ovumia Tallinn Clinic?

Fertility treatments involve different kind of methods that can help individuals or a couple in creating a family. The decision of what fertility treatment is the most efficient to your situation, is always decided after thorough examination and discussion with the fertility treatment doctor.

Our skilled fertility treatment professionals always have your best interest in mind. This means also admitting fairly when there is nothing more to be done and the chances of having a healthy baby are very slim. Ethics is the best policy, no matter how delicate.
Your fertility treatment plan will depend on the cause or causes behind your infertility, whether the problem is from the woman’s side, the man’s side, both sides, or remains unexplained.

You are only a few steps away from your dream to become a parent. Our professional and dedicated fertility treatment donor coordinator will help you to get started. Contact us now!

Greete Käsi

IVF nurse, patient coordinator
Henkilö voi palvella seuraavilla kielilläEnglishEstonian

At Ovumia Tallinn Clinic fertility treatments involve a wide range of options

Ovulation induction

Ovulation induction refers to ovulation and the release of an egg induced by means of hormonal fertility treatment. Hormones can be administered in the form of tablets or subcutaneous injections. The progress of the fertility treatment is monitored by ultrasound examinations every few days and by hormone blood tests if necessary. The goal is to achieve mature 1-2 good follicles. This type of fertility treatment is needed if the woman’s menstrual cycle is irregular or absent. Also, hormonal fertility treatment can be used to support the development of the follicle(s) and the release of an egg if the woman’s menstrual cycle is ovulatory. You can read more about the ovulation induction here.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Insemination is prescribed in case of mild male infertility: problems with the sperm amount, motility or shape of sperm cells or the presence of anti-sperm antibodies. Additionally, due to cervical factor and in the fertility treatment of patients with unclear infertility. What does IUI fertility treatment involve? Insemination (Intrauterine insemination, IUI) is a fertility treatment option in which the best motile sperms are separated from the semen sample and are placed in the woman’s uterine cavity using special catheter at the time of ovulation.

Insemination is carried out according to the woman’s natural menstrual cycle or hormone-timed ovulation. In case of natural menstrual cycle, the IUI fertility treatment procedure is timed with an ovulation test that enables to determine the moment of ovulation at home based on urine sample. Fertility treatment IUI is carried out 24-36 hours after the positive ovulation test. Insemination is often the first fertility treatment used in the event of unknown, not clear origin. You can read more about out insemination fertility treatments here.

Artificial insemination fertility treatment can also be used if donor sperm is needed (in most cases with single women and female couples). We have our own Sperm Bank with anonymous carefully chosen sperm donors and we also offer you the possibility to order sperm from European Sperm Bank or Cryos. You can read more about our fertility treatments with donor sperm here.

In vitro fertilization (IVF)

In vitro fertilization (IVF) has proven to be an efficient fertility treatment for patients suffering from endometriosis, infertility caused by tubal factor, polycystic ovaries, reduced ovarian reserve, high female age, male factor and idiopathic fertility.

Steps involved in the IVF treatment:

  1. Simulation of the ovaries
  2. Egg collection
  3. Fertilization of the eggs and culture of the embryos

IVF fertility treatment involves hormonal treatment that helps more than one follicle to grow and the eggs contained in them to become mature for fertilization. The progress of the fertility treatment is monitored by ultrasound examinations.

Eggs are collected from the follicles in the ovary. IVF fertility treatment is carried out in a meticulously clean laboratory by placing the eggs harvested from the woman and the sperm separated from the man’s sperm sample onto the same common culture dish. Fertilization treatment and the development of embryos are followed each day. Usually some 70% of the eggs become fertilized in the cultivation dish. Some 30–50% of the fertilized eggs develop into good-quality embryos. The best of these is selected for fresh embryo transfer, during which the embryo is placed in the uterus 2–5 days after fertilization treatment. The remaining good-quality embryos are cryo preserved for later frozen embryo transfers (FET). You can read more about IVF fertility treatments here.

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), is used as a fertility treatment for infertility due to the man in which the sperm count in the ejaculate is very low or the motility of the sperm is poor. This fertility treatment is also used when normal IVF has not led to successful fertilization.

Steps involved in the ICSI treatment:

  1. Simulation of the ovaries
  2. Egg collection
  3. ICSI Procedure: injection of a single sperm directly to the egg

Before the ICSI fertilization treatment, the woman receives hormonal fertility treatment and eggs are collected just as for IVF. Motile sperm are separated from the man’s sperm sample for intracytoplasmic injection. In ICSI, fertilization is aided by introducing one sperm into a mature egg by means of a thin glass needle. The fertilization of the eggs and development of the embryos are monitored just like in normal IVF fertilization treatment. The treatment results of ICSI are comparable to those of IVF. You can read more about ICSI fertilization treatments here.

Donor egg and donor sperm fertilization treatments

Nova Vita Clinic is highly experienced in donor egg IVF fertility treatments. In Estonia donating eggs (as well as donating sperm) is anonymous. This means that all the donors (both egg and sperm donors) will stay anonymous to our patients. We have our own Egg Bank and a wide broad variety of Estonian egg donors who are voluntarily willing to help people to become parents. In many cases, the option of using donated eggs fertility treatment is the last option for the couple to conceive a child. Good news is that with young and healthy donors’ donated eggs, we have excellent results in egg donation fertility treatments. You can read more about fertility treatments with donor eggs here.

Steps involved in donor egg / donor sperm treatment:

  1. Egg/sperm donor matching
  2. Egg/sperm collection
  3. Fertilization of the eggs and culture of the embryos


Our goal is simple and straightforward: to provide the highest quality of care that results in a healthy pregnancy for our patients. We will work with you to help you realize your dream of creating a family. There is nothing that gives us greater fulfillment and joy.

Dr. Liisa Viirmaa

MD, specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, IVF
Henkilö voi palvella seuraavilla kielilläFinnishEnglishEstonian

Dr. Liis Lill

MD, specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology, IVF
Henkilö voi palvella seuraavilla kielilläEnglishRussianEstonian

Dr. Elle Talving

MD, specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology, IVF
Henkilö voi palvella seuraavilla kielilläEnglishRussianEstonian

Dr. Peeter Karits

MD, specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology, IVF
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