Welcome to Ovumia Tallinn, Estonia!
We really hope that during your visit you have also time to see the beauty of our country and look around in Tallinn. For more info about things to do in Tallinn please check the official tourist information website- Visit Estonia. Tallinn is a beautiful city with historic old town which is the UNESCO World Heritage Center.

Tallinn old town, photo by Rasmus Jurkatam
Please let us know if you need help with travel information and accommodations.
Tammsaare Business Centre is located at 47 Tammsaare Road, Tallinn. Nova Vita is located on the right wing of the building, 4th floor.
Taxi transfer
The easiest way to get to our clinic fast is to order a taxi.
Tallink Taxi: 1921 or +3726408921
Forus Taxi: 1200 or +372 6120000
Euro Taxi: +3726338888
Distance from the Tallinn airport: 6 km (10-15 minutes)
Distance from the Tallinn harbor: 10 km (10-30 minutes)
Public transport
A.H. Tammsaare road, stop „Sõjakooli“, bus No 12, 13, 20, 20A.
Please use the pedestrian tunnel in order to cross the roadway.
Rahumäe Road, stop “Tuisu”, bus No 23, 61
Pärnu Road, stop “Virve”, bus No 5, 18, 32, 36, 45, 57 . From the bus stop walk down Virve, Alajaama and Tuisu Street up to Tammsaare Ärikeskuseni.
Bus schedules can be found at peatus.ee
The registered immovable can be accessed from Tammsaare Road and Tuisu Street. There is a bicycle parking area and a spacious car parking for 110 vehicles in front of the building. There are 2 dedicated disabled parking spaces. Parking is free for customers for 2 hours.
For more information please contact: info@ovumia.ee